Matt Constant: Drawn to art

Quick Facts:
Amount of sleep per night: Receives on average 3.5 hours of sleep.
Pets: Has 2 pugs, a chinchilla, and a cockatiel.
Siblings: The older brother of Ethan Constant.
Sports: Plays club and high school soccer.
Dancing: Will suddenly break out in zealous, passionate dance.
Flying: Cannot fly well.

In a sea of seniors scrambling to find a career and college to pursue for the rest of their adult lives, Matt Constant is confident in his decision. Many would guess based off of his classes that it would be a physics or engineering major, but many would be surprised– Constant is shamelessly pursuing a fine arts major.

Constant is currently taking AP Calc, AP Chem, AP Psych, and AP LIT, but more important to him are his two art classes: Advanced Art, as well as Drawing, Painting, and Printmaking.

“Junior year I had an ISU internship, which I hated,” said Constant. “It wasn’t their fault, but I thought, ‘Hey, I hate this, I would hate everything else I’d be doing, so I should probably do art.’ That was when I started taking art seriously.”

If you’ve seen his drawings, you know that he puts an incredible amount of detail into them. Constant specializes in a specific art form known as hyperrealism.

“A realist simply makes things that you can understand for what they are, whereas a hyperrealist draws down to the very last detail, so that you can picture it being right in front of you. I tend to draw humans the most, both because they’re technically very difficult and also because they’re the most important things in our lives, so they have the greatest impact on the viewer.”

For someone who decided to pursue a less-than-popular degree, Constant is extremely confident in his decision, and is happy to offer advice to younger artists and students in general.

“Keep art open, especially if you’re passionate about it. It’s considered a ‘dead job,’ but it’s really anything but– everything around us is art,” Constant said. “Every year, a vast number of people give up on what they love, which I think is a mistake. Take classes that you have genuine interest in and don’t take classes that you don’t really care about. Don’t be afraid to fail, but don’t be afraid to succeed either. Do you what makes you most happy.”

It’s clear that Constant knows what he’s doing with his life; we can only hope other students find the same joy in their work as he does.