The Importance of Gilmore Girls

The Importance of Gilmore Girls

Shelby Reeves, Lifestyle Editor

Gone are the days of “guilty pleasure” culture and here to (hopefully) stay is fully embracing the garbage we love so dearly. After a recent announcement regarding the revival of Gilmore Girls, my heart soared. I’ve yet to finish the series, mainly because it is pretty much trash. Binge-watching for sheer entertainment value simply isn’t an option as the same things continually happen to the same people. Rory struggles to find a balance between her boyfriend and her education. Lorelai gets harassed by her mother for not being married. Luke is gruff, but will occasionally show his humanity when a child or animal is involved. Lane deals with her teen angst and lunatic mother all while sprinting around Stars Hallow sporting two half ponytails. Sometimes things will get mixed up from the same storyline and a new man will appear for one of the Gilmore girls! He will be handsome, usually dark haired, and ultimately be deemed as a failure. They mourn over Luke’s coffee at the diner. Sound enthralling? Hardly. What Gilmore Girls really does is provide a nice barrier show to watch after consuming an entire season of Mad Men or House of Cards in two days. A person simply cannot keep devouring intense television for extended periods of time without some sepia toned Gilmore Girls in between.

After watching 7 seasons of Mad Men I didn’t trust men for multiple weeks and assumed everyone was cheating on each other. Narcos convinced me that the entire world is undergoing an intense, highly dangerous drug trade, which probably isn’t completely inaccurate. After House of Cards I was absolutely certain that the government is trying to destroy America one terrible legislation at a time. Clearly I’m not even remotely dramatic. Thankfully, Gilmore Girls was able to curb my terrors with sepia tones and early 2000’s small-town fashion. For that, I am eternally grateful.