Cosby quote mishap

Stephanie Shin and Serena Paulson

For all of those misinformed and fretting seniors, have no fear: this year’s senior quote is not tainted by the words of Bill Cosby and his regretted past. At the beginning of the year, Senior Senate voted on possible quotations to represent the graduating class of 2015.

“In order to succeed, your desire for success should be greater than your fear of failure,” as said by Bill Cosby, was the original line that was chosen.

As the Cosby scandal with sexual harassment broke into the media in early November, not only was the world in shock, but so were the students, parents, and staff of Ames High that realized last week the distraughting character of the inspiring quote.

Due to the blood drive occurring during the month of October, the minds of the members of Senior Senate were not focused on the phrase they had previously chosen. When Bill Cosby was further investigated and defamed, no one in the group bat an eye, as it did not seem like a relevant threat to Ames High’s graduation.

The situation of the invitations was immediately brought to the attention of the administration and the reprinting of graduation invitations without a quote is currently being handled in collaboration with Ames High and Jostens, the company supplying graduation supplies.

The Senior Senate will choose a new, more appropriate quote spoken by a more appropriate person to be presented in the graduation ceremony program. Therefore, be ready to be further inspired by words of wisdom.