Bye Bye Birdie swoops into Ames High


Emma Stewart, Editor in Chief

Oh boy, Ames High, was this winter’s musical was a hit. If you didn’t take the time to attend a showing of Bye Bye Birdie in the auditorium this past week then you really did mess up; big time (or shall I say bird time).

Let me give you a little synopsis first. The plot follows teen Kim McAfee, played by, a miss Rosie Deleon, played by the always amazing starlet Jill Zmolek, Albert Peterson, played by a hilariously exuberant Robbie Kroeschell, and of course, the teen heart-throb Conrad Birdie, played to a T by Derek Thilges.

Conrad Birdie is being sent to war and manager Albert Peterson is desperate for one last hit song before the starlet heads off. Rosie Deleon, Peterson’s secretary, decides to choose a random fan, Kim McAfee, for Conrad Birdie to plant his departing kiss on whilst singing a song about – you guessed it – one last kiss. The drama unfolds with a love connection between Albert and Rosie (made complicated by Peterson’s mommy issues), Birdie’s bad-boy nature, and Kim’s personal life dwindling to pieces as she struggles to uncover the secrets of womanhood.

The whole story is brought together with elaborate full-cast musical numbers (complete with 50’s style hair for each and every cast member) and lots and lots of fan-girl screams. I mean, “eardrums torn to pieces” screams. Despite having to leave the auditorium with serious hearing problems, I thoroughly enjoyed the AHS rendition of Bye Bye Birdie.

My personal favorite part of the show had to be the numerous large musical numbers. Ames High holds a plethora of talented students who apparently all gather for musicals and burst into something beautiful on stage. A close second for best in show has to go to Jill Zmolek and Robbie Kroeschell’s Albert and Rosie scenes. Two fabulous actors added together make for a very endearing performance.

Overall, Bye Bye Birdie was a fun, entertaining musical that made for the perfect weekend activity. Didn’t see it? Well then, make sure you’re in attendance at Ames High’s next show.