

Napping, I originally thought, was a waste of time. Time that could be spent drinking a chai latte or, say, scaling the Elbrus mountains spent SLEEPING. SLEEPING the activity that  should be reserved for 8-9 hours in the NIGHT! In naps that I had taken previously, I also hated how groggy and regretful I felt as I woke and learned how long I slept

However, after only getting one hour of sleep recently, I had an epiphany. Naps are necessary. If one is tired and is sleep-deprived their body needs a certain amount of sleep to recharge and rejuvenate. Over the weekend, I found myself taking a three hour nap and emerging from it in a state of relaxation and enjoyment. Previously, I had woken up from naps in a state of confusion, drowsiness and regret for wasting so much of my day sleeping. Now, I have a new appreciation for the art of napping and its importance to those who are exhausted and deprived of their needed sleep.