7 Ways to Stay Healthy this Winter

1. Eat Healthy: Load up on vegetables, especially dark leafy ones. Try to avoid excess sugar and fat and make sure you eat rounded meals each day.

2. Staying Hydrated: Although you won’t feel as thirsty when it is cold out, your body still needs lots of water. Try to drink at least 8 glasses a day.

3. Get enough sleep: Dr. Diwakar Balachandran, director of the Sleep Center at the University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center in Houston states, “A lot of studies show our T-cells go down if we are sleep deprived, and inflammatory cytokines go up. … This could potentially lead to the greater risk of developing a cold or flu.” It is recommended that teens get 8-10 hours of sleep.

4. Take a multi-vitamin: As well as boosting your health, a multi-vitamin boosts energy. The LIVESTRONG Foundation states that “Arizona State University’s wellness office suggests students take a daily multivitamin for improved energy and a better physical response to the various stress factors encountered in college life.”

5. Be sanitary: Wash your hands freguently, don’t share drinks, and stay away from people who are coughing or sneezing.

6. Don’t be stressed: Planning ahead and not prcrastinating can help relieve stress levels. Make sure you have a balance between academics and fun.

7. Keep physically active: Even though its cold outside, don’t let that be an excuse to sit indoors and watch TV. Try to exercise every day- your body will thank you and you will be able to concentrate better.