Danny “the Phantom” Lee

Carla Beghin

Senior Daniel Lee explains what a a 5 K is in Alan Junck’s chemistry lab.

Spirit animal: Butterfly (because Lee Grim)
Inspirational motto: #DestroyEverything
Do you have the magic in you: Yes. Every time I touch the floor of that track it turns into gold. Right?
Best memory from Cross Country 2013: F.F.C.

Senior Daniel Lee is famous for many things: his hawt ride, gelled hair, his sexy six-pack, and his toned legs. However, he is even better known for his speed and his mileage. He is so fast that he has donned the name ‘The Phantom’.

Daniel Lee runs in one week what most of us would hope to run in 2 or 3. “On a season [week], I run about 35 to 40 miles,” said Lee.

Daniel’s training happens under the watchful and intimidating eyes of Tim Mooney: AP US History teacher extraordinaire, cross country drill sergeant, and Ames High’s resident good samaritan with a tan (and some ‘tude). “He’s my [bro],” Lee said. “For coaching, personally, I trust Mooney over anyone at this point.”

Lee took first place this year at Indianola with a 16:39 time. His best time was last year, where he was 20th out of 116 at the cross country state meet with a 15:54 race. But what else does he do besides cross country?
“I eat, sleep, breathe, drink, and run track… and destroy my tests,” said Lee.

He also enjoys setting things on fire in the chemistry lab, and subjecting his personal drawer key to cruel and unusual punishment. “I dipped my key in 6 molars of hydrochloric acid,” Lee explained. “I’ve also dipped it in NaOH, and ammonia, I think? I have also burned it for a couple minutes, so I could watch it sizzle when I put it in the sink.”

On top of being the pinnacle of athletic excellence and responsibility (“Last Thursday, with the colourful flames, I MADE FLAMETHROWERS!”), Daniel Lee is also a high caliber academic achiever. He is currently taking Introduction to Modern Physics at Iowa State, as well as Economics 234.
“MIT probably, or Berkeley,” Lee said were his first-choice colleges.

This upcoming track season has Lee more motivated than ever. His goals are to break AHS alumni and track coach Brett Carney’s 800-meter school record (1:52.9) as well as the AHS mile record (4:17.97). He also aspires to win the 800 and distance medley at the Drake Relays and the state meet.

With all this planning, and prepping, and exceedingly high expectations, Daniel Lee has only one thing to say: “MY BODY…. IS READY.”