Mr. Ferguson: Ames High’s Latest Coach

Mr. Ferguson: Ames High's Latest Coach

Kevin Ferguson is the latest teacher in Ames High’s P.E Department, as well as the new coach of the school’s football team. With both of these roles, most students at Ames High will get to know him. Thus, we take this opportunity to delve into a quick introduction. 

Originally, Mr. Ferguson became interested in teaching and coaching as a means to give back to the community. 

“When I was growing up I had several different coaches and teachers that were really good to me,” he said. “It would give me direction and help me find my way and I feel like there’s no better way to give back to this world than to do the exact same.”

Mr. Ferguson has been coaching for the last 12 years and teaching for 8. 

“I coached at Simpson College… I taught at Southeast Polk for five years and then all the way back when I first graduated college, I taught at Norwalk for two.”

  As the head football coach, Mr. Ferguson has been coaching the varsity football team this past fall. As with all sports, many changes had to be made in order to play through the pandemic. Mr. Ferguson described how these affected his practices. 

“[Coaching during this season has been] challenging… There’s just so many protocols and mitigations that you have to follow,” he said. “But.. we’ve been all the way up to this point, and we have yet to have a positive case.”

As for the teaching of normal PE classes, Mr. Ferguson has settled in quite comfortably. 

“I think it’s just fine. I mean, smaller class sizes allow for you to make some good relationships with the kids and you’re able to get everything accomplished that you want to and you know leads to good classroom management.”

Becoming well-acquainted with students is a large part of Mr. Ferguson’s classroom philosophy. In fact, it also ties into his favorite part about educating. 

“[I enjoy} working with kids.. seeing them reach, and do things that they didn’t think were possible for them… Seeing the light go on when things make sense and it clicks… their confidence in it takes off and they’re able to do great things.”

With these goals of seeing students achieve their ambitions, Mr. Ferguson admits that he has high expectations for his students. 

“I like to get to know my students. And, you know, I definitely want to see them excel and do great things… I like to have fun within the classroom and smile… kindness is a big thing within what I do. “