Deadpool: some dead good action

March 2, 2016
I walked in the theatre expecting a lot of things. I mean, for a movie to be completely banned from being showed in China tells a person, “be prepared for anything because it can happen”. And it pretty much did. But after just the first scene of the movie something unexpected happened: I was blown away by the action.
From the very get go, the tightness of the cinematography of the action is made very evident. The opening scene is a fight in a car that ends up becoming a firefight on a highway bridge. The choreography of Deadpool’s movements are natural and fluent. The flips and spins add a very entertaining side to watching each scene.
The shooting is pretty much what one would expect from a movie in the twenty-first century. Point, shoot, then somebody’s hurt. Slow motion effects that occur upon guns being fired does add a level of “cool” to the action, but overall the shooting is just shooting and not much more. Then again, shooting sequences are not where the action scenes lack in most films. The weakness lies in the hand-to-hand combat.
For many movies, punches, slaps, kicks, knees, elbows, headbutts, and any other type of strike can often come across as blocky and choppy; especially when a body is flying through the air. Deadpool, however, doesn’t suffer from this problem. The fluidity of the movements and the angle of the camera on each fight sequence manages to completely eliminate the issue.
Speaking of cameras, the graphics of the film are stupendous. The visual effects don’t subtract a fraction from the viewing experience. In fact, it’s hard to tell between the actual footage and the CGI. The visuals of almost everything on the screen throughout the whole movie appear to be real stunts and little of it looks “cheesy”.
All in all, Deadpool does an excellent job at incorporating the best parts of action sequences in superhero movies but manages to eliminate the visual problems that other films have.