Dear class of 2021,

Dear class of 2021,

Dear class of 2021,

Nothing is normal, nor most likely will it be. May it be the ever-changing state of the world, especially the state of the country, we the seniors aren’t able to keep up. A sense of normalcy is nonexistent and a steady consistent routine is an absurd wish.

The only routine is the dullness that every day brings, camera off, mic off. Staring at the ceiling, scrolling through what seems like a constant earthquake that is Twitter nowadays while a teacher who’s already fed up with the changes tries to teach something that desperately needs to be taught in person.

As the second semester approaches, normally ‘senioritis’ starts to set in. A lack of motivation and just wanting to be done with high school, with everything. For a senior class who have yet to experience a normal semester is senioritis even able to set in? Or is it just the constant existential dread and depression of the state of the world that leaves students, us seniors especially, feeling helpless and unmotivated?

In addition to the looming pandemic that never ceases is the lengthened year. Just when the end is in sight the finish line moves farther away. For those already accepted into college, it may be even worse. Why try if the college acceptance is already confirmed? Knowing this for some may leave them to stare aimlessly at their computer screen with zero intent on doing anything productive.

On the positive side, seniors having zero motivation and a lack of joy for anything, at least, especially if you are fully online, there is no need to look truly presentable. Sweatpants and a comfy shirt are all that is required. Now is the perfect time to pick up that hobby again, the one you haven’t had time for since middle school. We are one semester away, I may believe that we will all make it out the other side.

<3 haley