What determines if you’re a “girl boss”

What determines if youre a girl boss

Emma Stewart, Editor in Chief

Before you get angry under the suspicion that this article could potentially berate all the work that has been done to further the advance of women into holding more prestigious positions in the workplace, please hear out why I have chosen to write this article. I want to be a “girl-boss.” I want to kill the event planning game, work my way up in a big shot clothing company, write for an online fashion/lifestyle magazine, and create a blog from which I earn income via indirect sales. I want to do all of that and am determined to reach these goals in my lifetime. Am I ambitious? I would say so, but other girls (who also claim to file their interests under girl-boss advocacy) may say I’m wasting my time.

Are my goals girly, per say? Yeah, maybe they are and I’m 100% proud of that. I’ve been told to look for career paths within math and science fields before and have shaken my head at the naivety that has unfolded before me within the same conversation. Why do so many girls think that respect in our society is earned through careers in math or science? Yes, I admire the intelligence of doctors, but I would personally never want to be a doctor and there really isn’t anything that makes me less intelligent for not being interested in that field.

I find a woman who opens her own clothing boutique or maintains a successful blog equally as admirable as the female doctor who just performed my annual check up. Both have successfully followed their dreams and possess a level of confidence that has allowed them to advance their interests into careers. It doesn’t make sense to me to place one over the other in terms of the career path they chose to follow. In fact, I know plenty of girl-bosses who I admire immensely even though they don’t have a career within a math or science field.

My mom, who has worked her way to become a top independent sales consultant for Rodan & Fields, the company that now pays for her 2017 Lexus, in which she loves cruising in on her way to Ignite to teach her yoga class.

My bible study leader, Wendi Swartz, who took her love for interior styling and now works with a home builders company to style the homes of their clients.

Kim Jensen, whose social media presence and love for jewelry has gotten her to the top of the company Stella & Dot, for which she recently traveled to shoot an informational video at the CEO’s house that will teach other consultants how to host sales events.

Arielle Charnas, my favorite fashion blogger, who created a blog on a whim to share her outfits with her family and friends. She now earns major income and is featured in magazines as well at in Pantene’s latest shampoo commercial. May I also add that she is invited to New York fashion week runway shows? By the designers. Yeah she’s a major girl-boss.

Every woman is intelligent in something. For me, science is not that something, however I could school you in the styling department if you were up for the challenge. It’s my thing, just like a surgeon’s thing is their fascination with the human anatomy or a statisticians thing is their love for predicting trends through precise numerical strategies.  

I don’t feel the need to chase after a STEM field of study just to impress others with my intelligence in math or science. I feel the need to accomplish a goal and do it well, whether that be run a blog or own a clothing store, I’m going to be a girl-boss either way.