Anime Club

McKenzie Reimer, Academics & Arts Editor

Deep in the halls of Ames High, is a place. A place so magical, it can only be described as sugoi (the Japanese word for “cool”). I think you all know what place I’m talking about. Yes, I am talking about the one, the only, Anime club.

Anime club was founded last year, by now sophomores Derrick Tope and Jason Park. This club takes place after school, until 4:15 every Thursday in Mrs. Engelkes’s room. Each week, the members vote on a new anime to watch, discuss, and debate about. They vary from genre to genre, and sometimes pick themes. This month’s theme is horror, due to Halloween.

When asked why anime club is such a rewarding club to be in, Tope and Park said, “It’s a good way to socialize, as well as be with others who have similar interests.” Likewise, when sophomore Halla Ferguson chimed in, she said, “getting to hang out with people you don’t get to hang out with much is my favorite part about the club, and discussing the animes are really fun.”

So, if you ever find yourself whispering “notice me, senpai”, using kawaii to an almost ridiculous amount, or just really needing someone to vent to about the last episode you saw of Fullmetal Alchemist, then I highly recommend checking out Anime club.