Diary Of An Oxygen Thief review

Hannah Sumpter, Reporter

“I liked hurting girls.

Mentally not physically, I never hit a girl in my life. Well once. But that was a mistake. I’ll tell you about it later. The thing is, I got off on it. I really enjoyed it.” Those are the opening lines to the book Diary Of An Oxygen Thief by Anonymous. I first read this enticing intro on Twitter and I was hooked.

41CnGnV-MAL._SX342_BO1,204,203,200_For whatever reason, a hard copy of this book costs nearly $100. I bought it on my phone and began reading almost right away as was not disappointed. This book was like nothing I’ve read before. The stories are brutally honest. The author is anonymous and is evidently not afraid to share every detail.

It’s very interesting to look into the mind of somebody who functions in such a peculiar way. It’s essentially a raw journal of this specific man’s thoughts. It’s simultaneously an easy read while still remaining extremely intriguing.

I recommend this book to anybody who is looking for a different kind of read. Reading this book broke me out of my comfort zone and I loved every minute of it.