The student newspaper of, by, and for Ames High School.


The student newspaper of, by, and for Ames High School.


The student newspaper of, by, and for Ames High School.


I bid you Adieu Ames High

I bid you Adieu Ames High

McKenzie Reimer, Co-Editor In Chief May 15, 2017

I walked into Ames High expecting every cheesy teen film I had ever seen. It isn’t hard to imagine what role I wanted to be. I was too quiet for anyone to notice and too terrified to speak up in fear...

A New Netflix Original: 13 Reasons Why

A New Netflix Original: 13 Reasons Why

McKenzie Reimer, Co-Editor In Chief April 25, 2017

A young girl sits in her English class writing a reflective essay on a book that changed her perspective on life. Five years later, this same girl’s perspective is once again shattered when she starts...

The Truth About Hard Work

The Truth About Hard Work

We talk about the value of hard work but tell ourselves that the reason we’re not working is some perceived unfairness: Obama shut down the coal mines, or all the jobs went to the Chinese. These are...

The Truth Within The Lies of Media

The Truth Within The Lies of Media

McKenzie Reimer, Co-Editor In Chief March 22, 2017

Since the beginning of time, information has traveled fast from person to person. Unfortunately, along with this comes the spread of false and often inaccurate information. This leads the people of our...

Bernie Sanders Is Too Good For America

Bernie Sanders Is Too Good For America

McKenzie Reimer, Co-Editor In Chief March 22, 2017

America, we are wrong. We voted for a man who young children have nightmares about. We vote for a man who makes the Statue Of Liberty look like a joke. How? How did America fall so far from grace? Was...

John Hughes Movie Review

John Hughes Movie Review

McKenzie Reimer, Co-Editor In Chief February 15, 2017

As it is the month of romance, it becomes a necessity to have amazing movies to watch when you’re inevitably sad and alone with only a cat to love. Although, not just any movies will do for this month...

Dnel van der Berg: Is She A Mean Girl?

D’nel van der Berg: Is She A Mean Girl?

McKenzie Reimer, Co-Editor In Chief February 9, 2017

“If you’re from Africa, then why are you white?” these are the words foreign exchange student D’nel van der Berg hears every once in awhile when walking down the halls of Ames High. With her once...

Ames Highs History

Ames High’s History

December 10, 2016

“Not ended, but begun” These are the words of Ames High’s past. The year is 1900. “Central” The first brick schoolhouse in Ames has been the lovely home to knowledge for all grades over the past...

Gilmore Girls: A Year In The Life

Gilmore Girls: A Year In The Life

McKenzie Reimer, Co-Editor In Chief December 5, 2016

By now, everyone and their dead ancestors should know that the popular TV show, Gilmore Girls, has returned for a 4 part miniseries on Netflix. If this is somehow new information to you, where have you...

Flipped Classrooms: Worth a Shot?

Flipped Classrooms: Worth a Shot?

McKenzie Reimer, Co-Editor In Chief November 15, 2016

Over the past couple of years, the term flipped classroom has become one of the best words in my vocabulary. The goal of a flipped classroom is to expose students to the required material outside of school...

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