2022 Senior Sendoff

FIRST NAME LAST NAME OPTIONAL: What are your plans after you graduate? What is your intended major/specialty/job?
If you desire, share a favorite memory of your time at Ames High.
Alex Abbott DMACC Freelance writer
Mr Schmidt, and the other incredible teachers I had. More often than naught they’d make me laugh and smile.
Leola Almquist IOWA
Brylie Jo Anderson University of Nebraska-Lincoln accounting
Hallie M Bernard ISU Political Science
Dance Marathon freshman year
Robyn Bernard Long Island University musical theater
Evan Brakke ISU kinesiology
Mr. Webb’s AP Lit & Comp class!!!
Keilah Vivian Brewer Central College undecided
One of my favorite memories is when I left the lights to my car on while at Perkins after a football game, and had to jumpstart it around midnight.
Joshua Casady DMACC marketing
Early in 2020 when my friends got me into playing Magic: The Gathering
Carter Jaylen Chambers Undecided criminal justice
The time when with my friends out on the football field made a fumble and we almost won the game
Nyadio Chan Concordia University St Paul psychology
Being on the girls’ track and cross country teams.
Yueyang Chen Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology computer science
Cassandra Cook DMACC one year, then transfer to ISU computer science
Sophia Cordoba Columbia University Political Science
Car rides and café reviews with the WEB.
Julia Divine College of the Holy Cross theater
going to All-State with Speech Club.
Roberto Dubiel DMACC Cybersecurity or reverse engineering
I enjoyed watching the school go through principles like a hungry senior goes through the Ala Chart.
Carleigh Evans MCAD illustration Rand Baid
Claire Galvin South Dakota State University Horticulture
Abby Hala IOWA Nursing
Winning state swimming 2020
Gerald (Jerry) Han Northwestern University double major computer engineering and economics
Shouting airball with the pep band
Joseph Heinrich IOWA
I will study Film and Cinema and political science.ce
Genevieve Helfer IOWA linguistics
Jordon Kloth Delta State University environmental science and biology
Eva Kumsher IOWA Major in psychology Hoco Parade senior year
Makaylah N Lane ISU Kinesiology
Sadie Lenkaitis DMACC majoring in sociology
Football games and being apart of theater!
Jixiang Li Carnegie Mellon University computer science
Sofia Mamakos IOWA Biology with a Minor in Journalism Writing for the web XD
Sivani Manimaran University of Michigan biomedical engineering
Humza Maqsood ISU computer science
My favorite memory while being at Ames High has got to be the summation of all the times I hung with friends and did appropriately questionable with them.
Zane I McBroom Undecided Working at Legoland or Disney world N/A
Andrea Medina IOWA Psychology
Tate Meinhard IOWA ethics and public policy
Leading the cross country team in streaches
Ethan Melby ISU management information systems
My favorite memory from ames high was going to the final coffee house and seeing the amazing turnout and how together the entire event brought the school.
Ben Meyer DMACC video production
Moved here this year, so I guess the only thing is my time in Sci-Fi class with Mr. Ripley.
Benjamin Morrison UNI history education / political science
Coming back after quarantine, and not having to be online anymore.
Avery (Jasper) Cain Juguilon Murphy IOWA French and psychology
Claudia Jean Murphy ISU political science and criminal justice on a pre law path
Running around DisneyWord with my friends on band tour.
Aidan Naditz ISU Landscape Architecture
Being told I was done for the rest of the school year in March of 2020
Mario E Napolitano University of Nebraska – Lincoln actuarial science
Playing baseball at Principal Park
Anna Nguyen ISU doctor
Maddison Pankonen DMACC Nursing Band raid (senior year)
Derek Peng Undecided Your mom
Varun Prasanna University of Illinois Urbana Champaign Electrical Engineering
freshman year ICDC was really fun.
Olivia Reed Concordia University (Montreal) film production
Carter Robinder Colorado State University political science/international relations
My favorite memory is participating in drumline.
Noah M Ryan DMACC sports and health management being around everyone
Alan J Schroeder Augsburg University
psychology, master’s in human factors psychology
Lorna Elizabeth Schuckert Gap year in Germany Art/film industry
Andrea M Sexton DMACC then UNI
social science education, minor in special education
Hailey Sibbel Gap year abroad then ISU pre-med + minor in Spanish
Jacob Stevens University of Arizona geosciences
Nighttime drives with friends.
Jaedyn Toma Stoner ISU psychology
One of my favorite memories I have from my time here at Ames High would definitely have to be the day I met Mr. Webb! <3
Andrew Sullivan IOWA English and Creative Writing
Lane Sullivan ISU Computer Engineering
Winning homecoming football game senior year
Avery W Suza Boston College mechanical engineering
Hanging out with my best friends on band tour.
Kailyn J Thompson IOWA enterprise leadership
My first time doing band raid.
Eitan Tuchin ISU Computer Science for undergrad. N/A
Sam Van Ryswyk Air Force Cyber Security
That time the fire alarm got pulled
Carlos Veiyra Might do DMACC but i might go work in oil refinery to get that Bread/Mula$$ Business so i can know what im doing and dealing with and colliery art so i can make a food business
Freshman year here was a blast i was getting to know new people & explore the seniors that year were dope but other than the time with them i’d say football or the time im in your class and i talk those days were fun to me.
Jack Wanamaker IOWA Environmental policy and planning
Grace Ann Wirth IOWA marketing major, future sales career
All the time spent in Mrs. Schieffer’s room
Kaylen M Witte Employment Hy-vee Pharmacy
Aiden Woerth DMACC photography
Marching Band and the trip to Florida!

About Senior Sendoffs: Students in the graduating class of 2022 were asked to respond to this optional WEB survey in May 2022. This is not an official list of Ames High graduates.